Soliton Delivers on Unique Cutting Edge Ultra Low Latency Video Encoding
Amsterdam, Netherlands – 8 July 2020 – Soliton Systems, a global manufacturer of portable video encoders for live streaming over multiple 4G and 5G networks, has announced delivery of their new ultra-low latency Zao-SH mobile encoder. The Zao-SH is the latest product in the Zao family of compact encoders from Soliton Systems that enables law enforcement companies, government agencies and outside broadcast companies to live stream from a remote location back to a command center or broadcast center. With applications such as drones, helmet cams and live streaming from vehicles, having live video in almost real-time is critical in operational decision making and vital in protecting life and infrastructure.  The Zao-SH is groundbreaking in that it allows users to reliably live stream broadcast quality video with a delay so small it was previously not thought possible. This can be as low as 35ms over a fixed line. But when utilizing multiple 4G networks for remote connectivity when a fixed line is not available, the latency is still incredibly small when compared to traditional mainstreams solutions. Go Ito, Marketing & Sales Director of Soliton Systems Europe explains “Soliton has always been ahead of the curve in terms of low latency solutions for video contribution from remote locations. The initial driver for low latency was a partnership between Soliton and an automotive company for remote driving applications where any delay could be catastrophic. The Zao-SH is the next generation video encoder delivering glass-to-glass latencies of around 65ms over the 4G network. This really is quite incredible.” The Zao-SH has many features which lends itself well to many security agencies including its AES256 encryption. It’s tiny size and weight of only 400 grams makes it ideal in the field and has been designed to work with ONVIF compliant Video Management Systems often located at the receiving end in the command and control room. But one of its big features is the return serial command system that can send commands back to the unit such as required for remote driving or operating remote machinery in hazardous areas. One popular application of the return data stream is the control of a drone gimbal allowing a remote operator in a command center to control the camera and operate the live stream on a drone. Drone usage is increasing exponentially across the security and law enforcement arena for many security applications and as a replacement for more expensive helicopter operations. Ito concludes “As we innovate further with low latency solutions, we need to be mindful of 5G which we are supporting fully with the Zao family of products. Much has been promised about 5G networks and the benefits it brings in terms of increased bandwidth and low latency for video contribution. But the reality is though the network is a critical part of the communication, the encoding, decoding, encryption and transcoding are all important elements of the end-to-end workflow. Soliton’s low latency of 65ms includes all these elements. What 5G enables for us in the future is to make this latency even lower by a significant margin with all the associated benefits this offers.” For more information: Soliton Systems Anita Ghosh 1081 KM Amsterdam. Netherlands. P: +31 (0) 20 280 60 60 About Soliton Systems: Soliton Systems, headquartered in Japan with offices in Europe, USA and China, manufacture a range of mobile video streaming, video encoding and security products. Its flagship products, the Smart-telecaster Zao series , is in use by range of global broadcasters, news and sport production companies. The Zao-S and the Zao-SH is also used by public safety providers and for all remote operation applications, where ultra low latency is required, such as for remote driving cars, heavy machinery and drones. |